
Romantic poses - Valentines day Photo shoots

We all love taking pictures with the one we love. With social networks like Twitter, FaceBook and Myspace to name but a few, taking pictures and show casing them to the world has become more and more of a norm.

Are there any romantic couple poses? How can I take more romantic pictures with my boyfriend or girlfriend? How do I make my boyfriend or girlfriend take more pictures with me? My boyfriend or girlfriend hates taking pictures what do I do?

Happy pictures
The importance of social networks and updates in our lives today has contributed towards many of these questions being left roaming our minds.

Remember: The most romantic pictures look the most natural - You don't need to be photogenic, a model or a photographer to take beautiful romantic pictures with or of the one you love.

Remember, try and get the fact that you're in love out in the pictures. Look happy, in love and affectionate without having to try to hard or act. Just let your love shine through.

Romantic pictures: Comfort

holding hands - romantic pictures

kissing - romantic pictures

Love: holding hands

Romantic Pictures: walking into the sunset

Love: couples pictures

Boy kissing girls hands: romantic pictures

Love: looking into each others eyes
looking into each others eyes: love
Love: cute couples poses

If you have any pictures with the one you love and would like to see them on the site please send them to me! Email them to me through the information on the contact me page and 'll be sure to put them up!

Don't be afraid to comment: Describe the sweetest/ most romantic picture you've ever taken

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