
Long Distance Relationship Statistics - Statistics on LDRs

Do Long Distance Relationships (LDRs) work? How many Long Distance Relationships (LDRs) are successful? How many Long Distance Relationships (LDRs) fail? How many Long Distance couples get married? Are Long Distance Relationships (LDRs) worth it?

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This article contains statistics on Long Distance Relationships compiled from various sources. If you're on the brink of a Long Distance Relationship and not sure whether or not you should get into one or even in one and feel like you need a little encouragement or motivation to keep going on, these statistics might be just what you need.

I hope that you will find them useful. Remember, there is always the exception to the rule so whether everything (statistics included) might look bleak or negative in anyway, your relationship is what you and your partner may make of it. If you're both dedicated yo making it work - that is exactly what will happen.

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  •  2.9% of all marriages in the USA are considered to have been or be long distance and around 10% of all USA marriages started off as Long Distance Relationships.
  • 14 million couples claim to be in long distance relationships at present. Furthermore, 70% of couples who are engaged have been in a long distance relationship.
  • It takes on average 4.5 months for a long distance relationship to end if it isn’t going to work. That would probably mean that once you pass this mark you could say you’re more likely to last indefinitely.
  • 75% of LDRs (Long Distance Relationships) fail when changes aren’t planned for. This means that you should be sure to plan more effectively in order to avoid unnecessary strain on or damage to your relationship.
  • 40% of all Long Distance Relationships end. You need to remember thought that a Long Distance Relationship is just like any other relationship and all relationships aren’t guaranteed to last forever. Think about it this way, how many people that you know who have been in ordinary (not LDR) relationships are still with their first ever boyfriend or girlfriend (think about friends, family members, siblings, etc).
  • The average distance between LDR couples  taken from a sample of over 200 LDR couples is 125 miles with average visits of 1.5 times a month, 3 letters a month and 2.7 days in between phone calls. The same sample of couples also demonstrated an average separation of at least 14 months before they could move closer together.

According to Waiit:
Image courtesy of imagerymajestic /

  • A study based on around 450 university students revealed that  20% were currently in Long Distance relationships and 37% had been. It also showed that on average 11% of respondents got to see their partners weekly while 16% never saw them at all.
  • 20% of all the students in Long Distance Relationships reported that being in it made their relationship worse.
    This would probably be expected from couples who were used to seeing each other or spending time together regularly but were forced into LDR situations due to studying or work. This would probably exclude online dating relationships which start off on a Long Distance bases in any case. It is understandable how the situation could make an ordinary relationship appear worse but when really thinking about it you need to ponder on whether or not seeing your loved one once in a while would be better knowing that your still in some sort of relationship then it would be ending the relationship and never seeing them again. 
It's important to bare in mind that Long Distance Relationships are just like any other relationship. Some make it and some don't. The depth and levels of success of your relationship are not determined by statistics (because every relationship and person is different) but by the two of you as individuals and together as a couple. You decide whether your relationship is successful or not. All relationships have problems or issues but you decide whether or not your love is stronger than that.

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