
Ex girlfriend jokes and sayings

What are some good sayings or jokes about ex girlfriends? What are some funny sayings about an ex girlfriend? What are some funny jokes or sayings that will help me feel better about my break up or ex girlfriend?

Jokes / sayings about ex girlfriends

My ex girlfriend tried to make me jealous by sending me a picture of her and her new boyfriend having sex.
So I sent it to her Dad.

To be fair to my ex girlfriend, I hope she'll always be memorable and unique to me. God forbid I ever find another woman that fat and hairy.

I love meeting my Ex's new boyfriend and thinking, 'Yep, I am definitely cooler than this dude.'

My ex? Yeah I'd hit that... Only this time it would be with a car... or a bat.

My ex girlfriends Facebook status said "suicidal and standing on the edge" so I poked her...

Ever looked back at your ex and asked yourself was I drunk the entire relationship?

If you’re Happy and you know it thank your ex!

Dear Ex: When you’re going through bad times, don’t think of me and all the good times we had.

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