
How to tell if your ex is still in love with you - Is my ex still in love with me (quiz / checklist)

Does my ex still love me? How can I tell if he / she still loves me? What are some signs that my ex still loves me or wants me back?

Break-ups are one of the hardest things to deal with. Sometimes we break up for all the wrong reasons and go on to find the man or woman of our dreams and sometimes we make the biggest mistakes of our lives in breaking up with someone and live to regret it forever. Sometimes the damage in a breakup can be fixed and corrected but other times it can't.

The first step in deciding what you want to do or need to do considering your past relationship is knowing how your ex feels about you. There are often signs or hints that you could look out for that might help you with this. There are 10 statements or points to use in judging how your ex may feel about you -  the higher your score the better / the higher your chances are that your ex does in fact still love you or want you back.

How to tell if your ex still loves you or is in love with you

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