
I want the Perfect Man: Dating as a Single Mom

As a single mother dating, I want the perfect man…

A man who will love me, but love my child a little more.
Who will miss me, but miss my child just as much.
Who will want to be with me, but want to be with my child all the same.
The perfect man will love my child as if he were his own.
Will cherish him as if he were his seed.
Will care for him as if he were his blood.

Should we ever separate by strife;
I want a man who will fight for access to see my child.
Who will fight to still have a relationship with him.
Who will fight to still be a part of his life.

Should we ever be parted by death;
I want a man who will fight anyone for custody of my child.
Who will fight to continue raising him as his son.
Who will fight to continue being the father he was to him
… Whether or not his biological father exists.

The perfect man to me is not one who buys me flowers every week or every other day.
Not one who earns thousands more than me.
Not one who takes me to fancy places or away on weekend breaks or getaways.

The perfect man to me is one who makes my child feel valued and loved and who loves him more than anything else.

As a single Mother dating, I want “The Perfect Man”.

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