
Starting Over again: New Beginnings!!!

Is starting over hard? How do I start over? Should I move on?

New beginnings happen for various reasons: 
  • Moving to a new home / country or state
  • The ending of a long term relationship
  • A divorce
  • Starting a new job
  • The ending of a friendship, etc

    Most of us face a big change at least once or twice in our lifetimes. The biggest or scariest part of a new beginning is 'The Fear of The unknown'. The most important thing to remember and trust in is that - what lies ahead of you is way better than what lies behind you. God is in control! Trust God to pave the way for you.
The way I see it, and have always seen it, is that - we see what is in the present. The here and now. But God sees our lives as from an aerial view. He sees what lies ahead, around the corner and in the distance. He is better equipped to change our direction so that in the long run it better suits us and better benefits us. WE HAVE TO TRUST HIM. He can see what we cannot see.

Starting all over: New beginnings
When something ends or you are forced into a different direction than you thought you would be - don't be despondent. Be happy and thankful to God that he is working in your life and things are changing for the better for you. You might not see the "happy ending" just yet but trust that it is coming. Don't let the present or past scare you into doubting your future. Keep your eyes on the prize!

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