
Should Single Moms / dads / parents try online dating?

As a single mom is it better to try online dating? What are the benefits of online dating for single parents? Do single parents use online dating? Should single moms date online?

There are many pro's and cons to online dating as a whole. As a single parent, weighing out the pros and cons becomes even more important because you have a little one or ones to think about.

I made the decision to try online dating as a single parent and it was the best decision of my life. I met the love of life, My husband and the perfect father to my son. I don't regret my decision for one second.

As with everything, there are Pro's and Cons.
This article will cover the advantages or Pros to online dating as a single parent, why I decided to go with it and how to make it work.

Why I chose online dating as a single parent - Advantages:

The following are advantages to online dating:

1. You can do it from the comfort of your home while watching your little one. You don't need to hire a babysitter for what may turn out to be a unfruitful date or a waste of time. You get to chat to prospective partners or dates while watching your little ones and without compromising time spent with them.
2. You cut to the chase.
You don't need to have 2 or 3 dates trying to sieve through important information such as believes, hopes, aspirations, goals, morals etc only to find that you are uncompatible and that you lost tons of time and money in babysitting fees going on dates with the wrong people. Online dating allows you to get through the important questions upfront allowing you to only choose to meet with someone who you feel you may be compatible with already.
3. You can be as upfront as you'd like to be.
You don't have to worry about "how will he or she react when they find out I'm a single mom or dad? How will he or she react when they find out I have 2 or 3 kids? When online dating you can put that information out there early on during your chats or in your profile. In this way you will know that whoever maintains conversations or displays interest in you thereafter is doing so knowing your exact circumstances and you don't have to hold onto a dreaded secret to tell them later and hope they will stay.
4. You can play PI.
The biggest fear of most when it comes to online dating is being Catfished, scammed or lied to. Fact is yes, some people do find themselves in this position while dating online BUT the truth is, people get lied to, scammed and cheated on by people they meet in person - at bars, restaurants or parks every day too. The important thing when meeting someone new whether online or in real life is to avoid being naive, be open-minded and do your own research.
This is a mega plus with online dating. More often than not, someone who lies about the little things will lie about the big things too and vice versa.
When you chat to someone online they are bound to tell you things about themselves:
  • What they do for a living
  • Where they live
  • Who their best friends are
  • Where they work
This is something someone genuine and a catfish or dodgy person would have in common for different reasons.
A genuine person would tell you more about themselves in order to try and get you to feel closer to them on a personal level. Where as a scammer would do  this to try and get you to trust them.
It is pretty easy to dig up information on someone online and figure out what balances and what doesn't. If you don't feel certain about someone or something seems off - delete or block the person and move forward.
5. You can move as fast or as slow as you'd like during your screening process.
Online dating is basically a pre-screening process. You get to eliminate or remove definite no-no's and shortlist candidates you'd like to get to know better. This allows you to utilize your time better and avoid time wasting - very crucial as a single parent.

In conclusion... 
It is all up to you. I online dating worked perfectly for me as a single mother but it does not work for everyone. I had a pleasant experience and am still happily married. I do not regret a single thing. My son loves his daddy and we are truelly blessed to have him in our lives 

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