
Learning to love again: Dating as a Single Mom

How do I learn to love again? Is it possible to love again after a bad break-up / bad relationship? Is it possible to love again as a single mom? Is it possible to fall in love as a single mom?

Dating in itself is filled with challenges and difficulties. Although you come accross numerous pleasantries, tons of happiness and overjoying moments (if with the ight person) there are also many challenges leading up to thoise blissful moments including those involved in meeting the right person.
couple the difficulties involved with the dating game for the average person with the demands and difficulties involved in being a single parent or single mom and things become ten times harder.

As a single mom dating, there are numerous challenges and difficulties you are already facing in your parenting life. When dating you have a whole new set of difficulties and concerns to throw into the boiling pot. After being hurt by someone, you become super sensitive, your guards are up pretty high snd you're almost in somewhat of a paranoid state - and this is only regarding your own feelings. Taking into considertion your childrens wellbeing and hy effect of another failed relationship on them often hightens these feelings and paranoia.
For more on difficulties in dating as a single mom read here.

Dispite the hardships involved, there is hope and it is possible to find the right person and love again.

Read here for a description of "The perfect Man" for a single mom or as a single mom dating.

No matter the hurt and pain you have gone through in the past, there is hope. It is possible to love again and be happy. There is still hope of a blissful life in every aspect including your personal / romantic / love-life.

I have seen numerous "happy endings" to situations close to me. I have friends who have managed to find love and start all over again in happy homes where their child or children from a previous relationship are happy, acepted and loved. Ultimately as a single mom., I feel like this would be my major goal when considering dating again.

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