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Motivation for Single mothers / Moms: What it means to be a single mother

A single mothers love
Being a single mother is one of the hardest and yet rewarding things any mother can experience.

Yes you're responsible for every bill, every necessity and every financial cost if your child's "father" was actually just a sperm donor dad.

Yes you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders regarding stresses and worries when it comes to your little ones and Yes you hold all the responsibility for your child or children but you're also their main or only form of support.

You are their comforter when they're hurt or sick. You are their companion through the sleepless nights and You are the receiver of all their love, hugs and kisses.

Your child or children will grow up knowing that you never gave up... you never walked out.  You always put them first.

Your child will love you more than he or she would if you were not a single mother fighting to make things okay for them.

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