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Best songs for choosing between two people

One of the hardest decisions in life involves choosing between two people. Sometimes it may be  between your ex and your new boyfriend (exes have a way of making a comeback right when you’ve met someone else) or between two guys that both show interest in you and you’re not sure which one to be with.

Choosing between two people

Life is full of decisions. You can’t always be certain that you’re making the right choice but you always need to trust and believe that everything happens for the best and that it will all work out in the end.
Music has a way of being something to relate to and sometimes singing out loud can help you express yourself.

Boyfriend / Girlfriend Matching Tattoos

There is nothing more romantic then getting something done together. Add to this the fact that the ‘something' you decide to do together can demonstrate the permanence of your relationship and you have an everlasting romantic gesture. 
Boyfriend / Girlfriend matching tattoo's
There are many different types of Matching Tattoos that you as a couple could get. The possibilities are endless! The best thing to do would be to make a discussion date, throw around some ideas and settle on a tattoo that you feel may describe you both and do your relationship justice.

Signs that your ex is over you / has moved on

Is my ex over me? Does my ex still have feelings for me? Is there still hope? Does my ex still love me?
Broken Hearted girl

So many times we may miss our exes so badly and wish to get back together with them but not be certain whether or not they feel the same. There is nothing worse than hoping that you can fix things with an ex but not knowing whether or not he/she still has feelings for you or wants you back.

Benefits of Dating or marrying an older person: Age Gap Relationships


What are some of the benefits to being in an age-gap relationship? What makes being in an age-gap relationship better than a same-age relationship? What is considered an age-gap relationship?

Benefits of being in an Age-Gap Relationship

This article looks at the Benefits and Advantages you are likely to be surrounded with when in an age gap relationship. There are many more advantages then listed in this article but these are just some of the Pro's I enjoy as someone in an Age-Gap relationship.

Struggles or challenges when Dating or Marrying an Older Partner: Age Gap Relationships

What are the struggles faced by age-gap couples? What are challenges faced by age-gap couples? What is considered an age-gap relationship?

Age Gaps
Age Gap Relationships

This article looks at the challenges you may find yourself facing when in an age gap relationship. It is always important to make yourself aware of the difficulties you may face in any situation so that you can make an informed decision on whether or not you would like to proceed. 
Remember, there are no challenges that cannot be overcome or battles that cannot be won when you truly love each other. 

How to show your husband you love him: Write him a love letter

 How can I show my husband I love him? How can I tell my husband that I appreciate him? What can I do to show my husband how much he means to me?

First Kiss: Am I ready for my First Kiss?

Am I ready for my first kiss? Should I have my first kiss? When is the right time to have your first kiss?

Your first kiss is something you are bound to remember for many years if not FOREVER. This may could be one of your best memories or your worst! Either way, you are not likely to forget your first kiss.

If you are wondering whether or not you should have your first kiss then it is definitely something worth thinking about a little more carefully.

When is the right time to loose my virginity? Loosing your virginity: Thought for the day

Should I loose my virginity? When is the right time to loose your virginity? How old should I be before loosing my virginity? Should I wait before loosing my virginity?

Many people don't realize just how important your virginity actually is. It is not just a case of loosing your virginity. It is like giving an important part of yourself, your history and your story to someone else.